Over two dozen princes exist in the Lhazaar
Principalities. Some of the smaller islands -- such as Krag and
Lastpoint -- are under the dominion of a single prince. The coastline
and the larger islands are home to multiple princes, each claiming a
port stronghold and the surrounding hamlets and thorps.
This article examines a few of the more powerful or
unusual principalities. The Knowledge listing provides the skill check
required for a player character to know of the principality. It is
important to understand that leadership among the principalities is not
based simply on level: While a player character could potentially rise
to the rank of prince, she would need to win the support of the people
of the principality and build a fleet of her own, not simply defeat the
current prince in battle. There is more to leadership than level!
The Seadragons
Leader: High Prince Rygar ir'Wynarn (LN male human ranger 9)
Seat: Regalport, Greentarn
Knowledge: Geography (DC 20); local (DC 10); nobility and royalty (DC 15)
With a fleet of twenty ships and a host of loyal
warriors, the Seadragons are the strongest force in the Lhazaar
Principalities. Under the leadership of High Prince Rygar, they have
been a stabilizing force in the region. While Rygar has sailed as both
privateer and pirate, in recent years he has made the city of Regalport a
center for trade in the eastern sea. The high prince fought for
recognition at Thronehold, and the Seadragons have been staunch allies
of Q'barra -- helping this fledging nation while gaining access to
Q'barran dragonshards.
Rygar is remarkably clever and charismatic, with skills
in diplomacy as well as the blade. He has earned a reputation as a man
of his word, though he will not give his word carelessly. However, he is
a Lhazaarite, and he respects the traditions of his people -- including
piracy. Merchants who sail the Bitter Sea can pay for the protection of
the Seadragons, and Rygar will strike at any ship that dares to raid
near Regalport. But he feels no obligation to hunt down Lhazaarites who
engage in piracy.
One of Rygar's earliest acts as prince was to grant
House Thuranni land on Greentarn. This alliance between House Thuranni
and the Seadragons is one more weapon in the high prince's arsenal. Some
say that Rygar wanted to bring House Thuranni to the Principalities to
guard against of the Gray Tide principality; if anyone can counter
changeling schemes, it's the house of shadow.
Characters of all races and classes can be found among
the Seadragons, making this a good background choice for PCs from the
Lhazaar Principalities. Seadragons lean toward lawful or neutral
The Cloudreavers
Leader: Prince Mika Rockface (CE female dwarf barbarian 6)
Seat: Port Krez, Krag
Knowledge: Geography (DC 25); local (DC 10)
The Cloudreaver principality is based on the island of
Krag. It is a blend of dwarves, orcs, and half-orcs -- traditionally
enemies in the Mror Holds, these races have found common cause on the
seas. The Cloudreavers have always been wild and unpredictable, prone to
violent feuds and acts of savagery. They never gave up the practice of
piracy, even during the height of Galifar's power; this has cost them
dearly over the generations, and their power has waxed and waned with
the luck of the sea. Currently the Cloudreavers have a fleet of six
vessels, but these ships are remarkably swift; the Cloudreavers possess a
number of windsails, which are magic items imbued with a permanent wind's favor.
These treasures allow the Cloudreavers to range far from their homeland
and to match the speed of elemental galleons. Typically, the
Cloudreavers prey on the southeastern shores of Galifar, striking at
Q'barran, Aereni, Darguun, and Zil vessels and villages; occasionally
Cloudreaver captains even head into Brelish shipping lanes, attacking
ships en route to Stormreach or Trolanport. The Cloudreavers prefer to
strike at night, taking full advantage of the darkvision possessed by
most of their sailors.
Prince Mika Rockface is an aggressive and boisterous
woman with remarkable strength and an uncanny ability to inspire terror
in her enemies. She believes that she has been blessed by the Devourer
and that she gains strength for every vessel she sends to the bottom of
the ocean. Whether this is true or simply a delusion remains to be seen!
The Cloudreavers are mostly chaotic dwarves, orcs, and
half-orcs, with a few humans. Most Cloudreavers are warriors or
barbarians, with a few fighters and rangers. Many Cloudreavers worship
the Devourer, and some develop druidic abilities as a result of this
devotion. The principality takes its name from this practice; tales
speak of Cloudreaver pirates calling lightning from the sky to shatter
enemy sails and ships.
The Gray Tide
Leader: Prince Kel (Unknown)
Seat: Lastpoint
Knowledge: Geography (DC 25); local (DC 15)
Changelings have always been viewed with suspicion by
most of the people of Khorvaire -- and occasionally that fear has boiled
over into something worse. Thirteen hundred years ago, the lords of the
nations now known as Karrnath, Cyre, and Thrane began a campaign of
extermination against the changeling race. Many changelings fled to
Breland or Aundair, hiding among humanity. But one among them was not
satisfied with survival. This changeling was named Kel, and he had a
vision of a changeling homeland: a realm on the edge of the world, where
changelings could live away from the fearful scrutiny of humanity. He
traveled the land, speaking to family after family, and slowly an exodus
began -- a journey that ended on the island of Lastpoint. There,
staring into the disturbing wall of the Gray Tide, Kel declared that
they had found their home.
No outsider knows the full size of the Gray Tide
principality. Some estimates say that there are over fifty thousand
changelings in the Lhazaar Principalities, though it is impossible to
know for certain. Changelings have spread out across the islands, and
many of the brothels and theaters in the Principalities are run by
changelings. Lastpoint changelings also serve as guides, interpreters,
and mediators, serving as hirelings on ships of other princes. Some
Lhazaarites fear that the changelings have spread far deeper into
Lhazaar society than anyone knows. But most are willing to see the
changelings as brothers on the sea, and they are more accepted in this
region than anywhere else in Khorvaire.
The Gray Tide principality is ruled by Prince Kel, and
it has been since its founding. Most outsiders believe that this is the
work of one or more changelings -- a lineage that preserves Kel's image.
Some say that Last Point is the seat of the secret society known as the
Cabinet of Faces; if so, this is one more secret hidden on this island.
The Gray Tide principality is thought to have four
ships, and common belief holds that it does participate in piracy.
However, a host of rumors has circulated about the principality. Some
say that the changelings can enter the Gray Tide without danger, and
that they have a fleet hidden within it. Other tales claim that the
changelings have developed ships that can shift appearance, so that
their acts of piracy are blamed on others. The truth of these tales is
in the hands of the DM.
This principality is inhabited almost entirely by
changelings, most of whom are chaotic or neutral. Characters of any
class can be found on Gray Tide ships, though experts, rogues, and bards
are most common.
The Bloodsails
Leader: Prince Shaen Tasil (LE female elf cleric 7 [Blood of Vol])
Seat: Port Cairn, Farlnen
Knowledge: Geography (DC 25); local (DC 15); religion (DC 30)
When the Undying Court sought to destroy the Mark of
Death, all elves carrying the blood of the line were slain. But the Line
of Vol had many allies beyond its blood relatives. The Undying Court
allowed these elves to surrender, but there was no place for them on
Aerenal, and they left to find a new home on Khorvaire. Many of these
refugees found their way to the island of Farlnen, making a new home in
the long shadow of the Fingerbone Mountains. Today, many elves choose to
remain in isolated communities deep in the Fingerbones, but others have
embraced Lhazaar culture and the life of the sea. The largest of these
is the Bloodsail principality, centered in Port Cairn (a town on the
central southern coast of Farlnen).
The elves brought extensive knowledge of magic, archery,
and woodworking to the Principalities; Bloodsail ships are some of the
finest in the Lhazaar fleets. While the elves are interested in all
fields of arcane knowledge, necromancy is especially important to them;
every Bloodsail captain has at least one level in wizard (necromancer)
or cleric (Blood of Vol). Farlnen is a center for the worship of the
Blood of Vol, and almost all of the Bloodsails follow this faith. During
the war, the Bloodsails served as privateers for Karrnath. This changed
when King Kaius III denounced the Order of the Emerald Claw, and today
the Bloodsails often raid Karrnathi ships and villages. Recently, the
Bloodsails have formed an alliance with the Diresharks of Point Verge.
The Bloodsails are one of the most stable
principalities, and Prince Shaen Tasil has ruled for over a century.
Shaen is cool and calculating; she has no interest in holding the
position of high prince, but she keeps a close eye on political
struggles and has often served as a mediator. The previous leader was
Prince Moren; according to legend, Moren was cursed for his dark
practices and now sails the Bitter Sea in a ship of bones.
The Bloodsails currently possess seven ships. Tales say
that they dye their dark sails with the blood of their victims -- but
this could be a story spread to inspire terror.
The Bloodsails are largely lawful or evil elves, with a
few humans, half-elves, and changelings spread throughout the populace.
While most Bloodsail sailors are warriors, rogues, or swashbucklers, a
significant number of clerics and wizards live in the principality.
The Wind Whisperers
Leader: Prince Koulton Brightwind (CN male half-elf ranger 4/dragonmarked heir 4)
Seat: Blackrock, Orthoss
Knowledge: Geography (DC 30); local (DC 20), nobility and royalty (DC 30)
Not all of the Aereni refugees sought shelter in the
shadow of the Fingerbones. Some fully embraced Lhazaar culture, mingling
with humans and creating a significant population of half-elves. The
island of Orthoss is a haven for the Khoravar, and half-elves from
across Khorvaire have found their way to the town of Blackrock. Notably,
the Lhazaar lifestyle has attracted a number of members of House Medani
and House Lyrandar over the centuries -- young rebels seeking an escape
from the smothering traditions of their houses. Their blood has been
spread across the island, and it has been spread quite thin -- but
occasionally a child of Orthoss develops a dragonmark.
Those who develop the Mark of Storm generally find their
way to the Wind Whisperers. Members of this small principality are as
wild and unpredictable as the wind itself. They often help travelers in
distress, but are known for raiding or otherwise interfering with
Lyrandar vessels.
The current prince of the Wind Whisperers is Koulton
Brightwind. Born Koulton d'Lyrandar, this gifted heir earned his place
with the whisperers by stealing an airship and bringing it to Orthoss.
House Lyrandar has put a price on his head, but Prince Brightwind has
made arrangements with House Thuranni, and so far his head remains
attached to his shoulders.
The Wind Whisperers have seven ships, including one
airship and two elemental galleons. The remaining four ships are small
and fast, and not as powerful as Bloodsail or Seadragon warships.
The Wind Whisperers are primarily chaotic or neutral half-elves, but members of any race or class live in this principality.